
The general purpose of an internship is to give you practical experience applying the theory and content of coursework in your field. Internships are typically considered a capstone experience, taken toward the latter half of your academic career. The internship guides listed below provide important information about setting up and carrying out your internship. All internships must be approved by your program's internship coordinator prior to starting the internship. Each guide includes the necessary forms and a sample syllabus for the internship course.

For All Students

Please review your program's internship guide below. Then complete your program's internship application Google form (link below). You must submit your completed internship contract with signatures 2 weeks before your proposed start date!  Failure to do this will result in a delayed start. If you miss these specific deadlines your internship WILL NOT BE APPROVED. 

Students may not be on site until registration due to insurance liabilities and that they will not earn credit until registration is complete. No retro-registrations will be approved.

An overall 2.0 GPA and junior or senior status is required to register for an undergraduate internship.

2024 Fall Broadest Dates: 8/15/24 - 12/20/24

     FALL 2024 DEADLINE: August 9, 2024 BY 5:00 PM

*This deadline includes both internship application and signed contracts 

*Please note that 6 credits is the maximum without overload approval for summer sessions


Building Science Majors

All students in the Building Science program are required to complete a 6-credit hour internship as a part of their coursework. Additional information can be found on the ASULearn Building Science Resource page.

Sustainable Technology Majors

An internship may count as an ST Major Elective requirement. Additional information can be found on the ASULearn Sustainable Technology Resource page.

Graduate Students


For Employers

We value your involvement with our student interns and look forward to working with you! Please review the appropriate Information Guide provided above for detailed information about the structure and expectations of the internship experience.

Goals of the Internship

The goals of the internship are to:

  • Provide the intern with a relevant, practical educational experience that reinforces academic coursework.
  • Provide business or industry collaborators with qualified and experienced graduates.
  • Acquaint the intern with the physical, academic, and professional requirements of his or her chosen field.
  • Develop the intern's ability to search for and find employment.