Congratulations to our department instructors Sohad Abu-Elzait and Ram Poudel for recently leading STBE at App State as a finalist in Round 1 of the FedEx sponsored research project competition. As described on the website: "This small wind turbine project is planned to be part of a larger renewable energy systems project. That is an on-campus “renewable-energy-based stand-alone microgrid”, or in other terms, an “off-grid hybrid renewable energy system”. This project will set the foundation for a future microgrids class (to be built and taught soon), to teach and explore better utilization of intermittent clean energy sources. One of the greatest benefits of the program is the connection that REpS provides to industry expertise, which will be particularly beneficial for students as well as faculty to learn and get answers to any related questions during the establishment of the project." This project will involve our students to learn more about clean energy sources.