STBE News Announcement
April 15, 2024
Zero Energy Residential Certificate launches Fall 2024 at AppState Hickory Campus
This Fall 2024 semester, the Department of Sustainable Technology and the Built Environment will offer an 18 credit hour “Zero Energy Residential Construction” Certificate at the Hickory Campus using the NCCET Building (North Carolina Center for Engineering Technology). Content will be delivered in a hybrid format with online learning and in-person workshop-style components. This certificate serves current students as well as professionals interested in retooling skills in high-performance construction techniques. Foundation coursework includes coursework on Quantifying Building Performance and Zero Energy Residential while advanced coursework includes Building Science, HVAC Systems and Performance, Residential PV plus Storage and Residential Energy Assessment. Zero Energy Buildings: Buildings provide an array of services for comfort and health of humans. This certificate program will focus on distributed technology, energy efficiency and contemporary construction methods/materials related to high performance buildings. Zero Energy buildings strike a balance between energy they use and energy they produce using building integrated technologies. At times, integrated generation such as roof-top solar, produce more energy than they use, making the building a net positive in terms of energy .
For questions or more information contact: 828-262-3110