The Student Builder's Association club was able to fundraise money to send some of its members to the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Convention and International Builders' Show Convention in Las Vegas last week! These students were able to learn about the industry's current state and receive educational lessons alongside the conventions. They also attended the Kitchen Bath and Industry Show, which helped them network and learn about the products currently in the industry. The group also got invited to visit the home-builder start-up company, Boxabl and tour their Las Vegas factory to learn about the processes of building these homes! Students attended numerous networking events during their week in Las Vegas, including the young pro party and the NCHBA events. Their week in Las Vegas will lead them to understand class materials better, as well as share with their classmates the emerging technology in the field.
Senior Construction Management student, Rebekah Chiarini, shared, "The college and faculty do an amazing job teaching us about the industry but cannot provide this level of insight, networking and exposure to companies that the 2023 NAHB IBS did. I was able to build more
confidence talking to potential employers and clients, gain valuable insight into the industry, as well as obtain multiple interviews, future factory tours and contacts based in North Carolina." She explains that while the classroom is very informative, having the opportunity to visit professionals in the field and see the industry in action is entirely different. "This experience solidified my aspirations to work in construction, as I had the incredible opportunity to be surrounded by my future peers and mentors who all could not say enough about their careers, and they were genuinely happy within the field. This can not be taught in a classroom, only seen and experienced at this once in a lifetime opportunity offered during our academic career."
Diogo Villanueva, a sophomore, shared some of the highlights of his experience on the trip. "During the networking event that they had for those that came from North Carolina, I was able to talk to a few companies that were in different areas (Residential or Commercial) and they were able to give me lots of choices to go and intern or work in those areas that they have their offices in."
Kincade Stalun, the current president of SBA, reiterated some of the points his classmates made for going on the trip. "As the current president of the Student Builders Association, it was an amazing opportunity to network with industry professionals, see the newest technology being used in construction, and attend valuable educational seminars from company executives detailing all the necessary tools for success."
Reza Foroughi, the faculty mentor for SBA, was the faculty supervisor for the trip. Madison Allred, who recently graduated in December, was the president of SBA last semester and helped coordinate the trip with the current committee members. SBA fundraised the previous semester to be able to fund the trip.