Our student clubs continue to host workshops and speakers, and build (in this case, fun) projects On October 25, 2022, the Student Builder's Association held a cornhole tournament with the boards they built together. Members of a total of five teams constructed and designed the cornhole boards with donated materials and plans provided by the Association of Builders and Contractors (ABC) of North Carolina.
Samet Corporation, (https://www.sametcorp.com/), an ABC affiliate, joined SBA to judge each cornhole board's structure and design components. The final winners for the cornhole build were Diogo Zuniga, Andrew King, and Kincade Stalun. Afterward, the cornhole boards were used for an exciting competition. The final winners of the tournament, Colby Whichel, and Yates Helms, also won a gift from Samet. Each team received Yeti, provided by Samet, for their participation.
Thanks to ABC and Samet Corporation for their support and donations, as well as to the participants for their time and participation!