- B.S. Industrial Education, Miami University, Oxford OH
- M.A. Education Administration, West Virginia University
- Ed.D. Technology Education, West Virginia University
- MPA Public Administration, Not-for-Profit Management, Appalachian State University
Teaching Specialties:
- Research Methods
- Technology and Culture
- Evaluation and Assessment
Professional Affiliations or Organizations:
- Council of Technology and Engineering Teacher Education (Past President, 2016-2019)
- International Technology and Engineering Educators Association
- Epsilon Pi Tau
Selected Publications:
- Bartholomew, S.R., Hoepfl, M., & Williams, P.J. (Eds.). (2023, October). Standards-based technology and engineering education: 63rd yearbook of the Council on Technology and Engineering Teacher Education. Springer.
- Hoepfl, M., & Houser, J.B. (2021). Starting the dialogue: Perspectives on technology and society (3rd ed.). Dubuque, IA: Kendall-Hunt Publishers, Inc.
- Hoepfl, M. (2020). Defining technological and engineering literacy. Technology and Engineering Teacher, 80(3), 1-6.
- Buelin, J., Daugherty, M.K., Hoepfl, M., Holter, C., Kelley, T., Loveland, T., Moye, J., & Sumner, A. (2019). ITEEA standards for technological literacy revision project: Background, rationale, and structure. Reston, VA: ITEEA.
- Hoepfl, M. (2018). Tracing technology education’s lineage, with an eye toward its future. In M. Daugherty and V. Carter (Eds.), The Mississippi Valley Conference in the 21st Century: Fifteen years of influence on thought and practice.
- Hoepfl, M. (2016). Research on teaching and learning in technology and engineering education and related subjects. In M. Hoepfl (Ed.), Exemplary teaching practices in technology and engineering education. CTETE 61st Yearbook. Reston, VA: Council on Technology and Engineering Teacher Education.
- Houser, J.B., Gamble, K.J., Hambourger, M., & Hoepfl, M.C. (2015). Anaerobic digestion from the laboratory to the field: An experimental study into the scalability of anaerobic digestion. Proceedings of the 2015 American Society of Engineering Educators (ASEE) South Eastern Annual Conference, 2nd Quarter, Spring.
- Hoepfl, M. (2015). UNCGA General Education Council e-portfolio pilot project final report. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina General Education Council. (Report included in the final Report of the UNC General Education Council, December 2015).
- Hoepfl, M., & Houser, J.B. (2015). Starting the dialogue: Perspectives on technology and society (2d ed.). Dubuque, IA: Kendall-Hunt Publishers, Inc.
- Andrade, B.S., Hoepfl, M.C., Garcia Maldonado, J.G., & Vasquez, B.C. (2014). Analysis of an affordable rural ecologic home for marginal communities in the Sierra Negro zone, State of Puebla, México. In L.G. Torres and E. R. Bandala (Eds.), Energy and Environment Nowadays (pp. 207-228). New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
- Hoepfl, M. (2013). Appropriate technology as the basis for a technology education curriculum. In P.J. Williams & D. Gedera (Eds.), PATT 27 – Technology Education for the Future: A Play on Sustainability (pp. 238-246). Waikato, New Zealand: University of Waikato Technology Environmental Science and Mathematics Education Research Centre.
- Hoyle, J., Hoepfl, M., & Murphy, L. (2012). Energy internships in North Carolina: A report on the Impacts of the State Energy Internship and Fellowship Program. Boone, NC: Appalachian Energy Center. Available:
- Hoepfl, M. (2011). Professional development of teachers to support creativity and design in the technology and engineering education classroom. In S. Warner & P. Gemmill (Eds.), Creativity and Design in Technology and Engineering Education (pp. 290-320). Reston, VA: Council on Technology Teacher Education.
- Hoepfl, M., & Raichle, B.W. (2009). Starting the dialogue: Perspectives on technology and society. Dubuque, IA: Kendall-Hunt Publishers, Inc.
- Hoepfl, M. (2009, October). Tracing technology education's lineage, with an eye toward its future. Paper presented at the 96th Mississippi Valley Technology Teacher Education Conference, Nashville, TN.
- Hoepfl, M. (2007). Differentiation in the technology education classroom. In deVries, M., Custer, R., Dakers, J., & Martin, E. (Eds.), Analyzing Best Practices in Technology Education (pp. 235- 246). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
- Hoepfl, M. (2007). Alternative Classroom Assessment Tools and Scoring Mechanisms. In M. Hoepfl & M. Lindstrom (Eds.), Assessment in Technology Education, CTTE 56th Yearbook. Glencoe-McGraw Hill.
- Hoepfl, M. (2006). The Evolution of Technology Education in the United States: The Case of North Carolina. In deVries, M. & Mottier, I. (Eds.), International Handbook of Technology Education: The State of the Art. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
- Hoepfl, M. (2003). Concept learning in technology education. In Helgeson, K. & Schwaller, A. (Eds.), Selecting Instructional Strategies for Technology Education, CTTE 52nd Yearbook.
- Hoepfl, M. (2002). A strategic framework for research in technology education. In Middleton, H., Pavlova, M., & Roebuck, D. (Eds.), Learning in technology education: Challenges for the 21st Century (pp. 190-210). Brisbane, Australia: Griffith University Centre for Technology Education Research.
- Hoepfl, M. (2001). Design criteria for developing appropriate technology. In Wicklein, R. (Ed.), Appropriate technology for sustainable living, CTTE 50th Yearbook (pp. 92-112). New York: Glencoe McGraw-Hill.
- Hoepfl, M. (2001). Alternative routes to certification of technology education teachers. Journal of Technology Studies, 27 (1), 35-44.
- Hoepfl, M. (2000). Large-scale authentic assessment. In Custer, R. (Ed.), Authentic Assessment in Vocational Education, pp. 49-67. Columbus, OH: ERIC/ACVE.
Courses Taught:
- TEC 5000 Research in Technology
- TEC 5139 Technology and Culture
- TEC 5149 Entrepreneurship in Technology and Science
- TEC 5670 Graduate Seminar
- TEC 5809 Research and Development in Technical Areas

Title: Professor
Department: Department of Sustainable Technology and the Built Environment
Email address: Email me